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Book 2 of The Kiyor'lin Series


                "We cannot defeat him." The voice boomed with the force of a gromite powder keg. "We have tried and we have failed."

                "We did not fail. Victory was ours once we sought out the druids." Qwitchur roared in frustration.

                "You sought out the druids. By that time we had all been defeated." Ska'quay bellowed as he stretched his wings to their capacity. "You are the only one strong enough to face him. You are the only one of us that has the power to put an end to his madness."

                Qwitchur lumbered around the cavern as he mulled over the words of his brother and his sister. They watched him in silence as he crossed behind them, encircling the massive pair. He took notice of the worried looks and the nervous behavior as he recalled the events of the great war of dragons. Maybe there was some merit to their arguments.

                "Dy'kuin is limited in his resources, Ska'quay." Qwitchur squared himself to the god of the skies. "We will have each other. We will have the people of Kiyor'lin. We will also have a druid . . . "

                "The druids are nothing more than insects waiting to be squashed for all the power they have lost." Venetra finally spoke up. "They were mighty . . . once. Dy'kuin found a way around that, didn't he?"

                "This druid is different. I have watched him grow and learn. I have quietly assisted in his training. Most importantly, he has the powers of the Ancients."

                Venetra couldn't hide her shock. "What?!?! How can that be?"

                "Impossible!!" Ska'quay roared, shaking the walls of the massive cavern. "I think you have become delusional, brother. A druid with that kind of power just doesn't exist. Even if it did, one mortal is not going to be powerful enough to stop Dy'kuin. Think back, brother. It took an army of the Ancients to lock him away" 

                "Calm yourself, brother." Venetra shifted to face the sky god. "I'm certain Qwitchur has not forgotten the past."

                "I have not forgotten." Qwitchur said shamefully. "However, we have time. the ancient is yet an infant. We will watch him grow and test him often."

                "There is another way, brother." Venetra was enthused about her idea. "One of us could enter the world of mankind, to Kiyor'lin, and watch over this boy.  There is a way."

                "You're mad, Venetra!" Ska'quay lumbered to the wall and curled up. As he laid his head on his front legs, he added, "It is too dangerous for us to enter their realm in that fashion."

                "Ska'quay is right, this is far too dangerous for us to undertake." Qwitchur agreed.

                "Both of you, stop. My decision is made. I'm doing this." Venetra made it clear there would be no further debate on the matter.

                "Ska'quay, up!" Qwitchur ordered. "I can't do this alone. Venetra, you need to understand, once we do this, it can only be undone by your mortal death. You will not remember who you are. You will only have an instinct to protect the boy."

                "I understand. Let's do this before I change my mind." Venetra tensed, knowing that the next step was going to be more painful than anything she had ever experienced.

                Qwitchur and Ska'quay began circling the earth dragon. They were chanting something in the ancient language of the dragons. It was a guttural sound that could never be reproduced by man. Several moments passed by and the dragons were moving faster with each passing parsa. Suddenly, a golden light of burning Spirit burst from within Venetra as she arched her neck toward the sky. She roared out in pain, knowing the worst was yet to come. The thought crossed her mind the same moment that Qwitchur opened his maw and let loose with the burning Winds. Ska'quay parted his chops and bathed her in his burning Water.

                Qwitchur watched as the emerald green scales of his beloved sister were burned away from her body. He know that the ritual was working as intended, but that didn't make him feel any better about causing Venetra so much suffering. At least a span passed before the ritual was completed and Venetra was no more. Her spirit was now in the mortal world, inside an infant child.

                The brothers stood, staring down at the pile of scales and half melted bones. Ska'quay finally broke the silence. "Well. . . that was rather unpleasant."

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